Marlin Bolt Guns, Lever Actions, and Papoose
Marlin Bolt Guns ........ $100.00
Price is for barrels w/o front sights. Only parts needed for the job is a stripped barrel and action, No scope, scope base, stock, bolt and trigger. If you don't feel comfortable disassembling the rifle, feel free to send the entire gun. Please note that we charge $35.00 to dissemble and reassemble. If the barrel muzzle diameter is too small for the needed thread, an adapter is required, $55.00 (Center Fire Only). See Chart for barrel size.
Marlin Lever Actions ..... $165.00
Price is for barrels w/o front sights. Only parts needed for the job is a stripped barrel and action, No scope, scope base, stock, bolt and trigger. If you don't feel comfortable disassembling the rifle, feel free to send the entire gun. Please note that we charge $35.00 to dissemble and reassemble. If the barrel muzzle diameter is too small for the needed thread, an adapter is required, $55.00 (Center Fire Only). See Chart for barrel size.
Marlin Papoose .......... $165.00
The barrel is all that's needed. We thread the barrel with 1/2 28 threads and modify the front sight. Add $45.00 for a thread protector.