​ Gunsmith Services
We offer a large array of services for centerfire rifles and are to numerous too list. We listed the most popular services that we offer but if you don't see a service you need, just call or e-mail us. We offer just about any custom machining job available. Aquila also offers light industrial M
achining services.

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9-5 M thru Thurs CST
We are an appointment only shop. Please call before you come over, thanks!
Barrel Fluting (6 uninterrupted flutes)-------------------------------------$175.00
We offer just about any configuration and style of barrel fluting.
- There're are several styles of flutes such as the
*The common convex groove
*The V groove
*The square groove.
*Spiral and straight
*Interrupted or constant
*Frosted or coated grooves
* Number of flutes
As with most machine work on a rifle, they're many other issues that need to be taken into consideration. We carefully taper the flute depth so that accuracy isn't affected, remove and reengrave the caliber on factory barrels, flutes align with the receiver and the recrown the barrel. Aquila takes every step to insure that your rifle looks great and function perfect when you get it back.
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